Mahriz publishing company was set up in 1999 by the collaboration of Nader Tabasian and Saed Meshki. The latter worked as the art director and his works were quite epoch-making on their own account. After Meshki left the company in 2004, Mahriz activities slowed down, but it still continued work with designers such as Abolfazl Shahi and Negar Farajiani. At the beginning of 2008, Iman Safaie joined Mahriz to spice it up and impose fundamental changes in it. Its products are usually classified in 2 categories: miscellanea (books and CDs) and classified collections.
The classified collections are as follows:
Eye: the collection of pictorial books; Ear (CDs): the collection of audio magazines; Mouth: the collection of poetry and story books; Brain (CDs): the collection of talking books; head (CDs): the collection of documentaries; Pipe: decorative posters of paintings the photos and graphic designs. All the above have been uniformed conceptually by using parentheses to preserve their connection.
The most prominent feature in designing Mahriz music CD packages, which includes Ear collection and music miscellaneous CDs, is the uniformed design which emphasizes each and every visual and written component (known as design necessities).
Iranian contemporary design
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Kambiz Shafei
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